Episode 57: Is Keto Right For You? Ketogenic Diet: Good & Bad & How To Use Wisely

Aug 19, 2019

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The Ketogenic diet - it's all the rage. But is it right for everyone? Better yet, is it right for you? And what should you know about it that maybe isn't talked about very often? Well, this episode will have you completely up-to-speed with the whole Keto Craze. 

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Episode 55: Causes of Hair Loss & Thinning - & What To Do About It

Jan 25, 2019

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In this episode we talk about the typical causes of hair loss in women, what your doctor will typically prescribe to "fix" it, and how looking closer at three of my Five Pillars - my proven system  - can help you turn it around.

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Episode 54: Digestion Issues, Poop, and Enzymes - Interview with Dr. Christine Kaczmar

Jan 10, 2019

What a treat I have for you in this episode! It’s a powerful interview with Dr. Christine Kaczmar, known to multitudes as “The Digestion Doc”.

Get Dr. Christine’s FREE gift for BBF Podcast listeners – the Nutrient Duty Sheet download: at bit.ly/BBFgift

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Some of the topics we cover:

  • Timeless healing principles you can implement now.
  • A cause of inflammation you might not have viewed as a cause.
  • What is the...
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Episode 53: The Health Risk Right Under My Nose - Breast Implant "Illness"

Dec 18, 2018

It's true. I had breast implants in more than 12 years ago. And I recently had them taken out. This is the story - the why, how, and a few other tidbits. So push the play button and let's dive in!

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Episode 52: I Had My Telomeres Tested (Results & All About Telomeres)

Jan 05, 2018

Have you heard of telomeres? Well, I had mine tested and I'll share with you what my results were (partial spoiler alert: It wasn't as good as I thought it would be).

What are telomeres?? Not only will I explain what they are in this episode, but we'll take a look at what kind of insight they might have into your health and wellness.

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AND - in this episode I mention my private FB Group. I'd love for you to join us . . .

Modern Health Support...

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Episode 51: Emotional Over-Eating - What's Up?

Dec 18, 2017

In today's episode, we chat about something very common . . . Emotional Over-Eating. Notice how I reference overeating, rather than just emotional eating. There's a difference.

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How do you know the difference? What are the red flags associated with it? Better yet, how do you turn the emotional over-eating ship around?

Not to worry. We talk about all this in today's episode!

No more waiting - let's push play and hang out for a while ;-)


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Episode 50: Is Liver "Detoxing" a Good Idea?

Dec 11, 2017

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The liver! That's what we're talking about - more specifically, having a conversation around the idea of liver "detoxing". Most people don't even realize that the liver detoxes in two phases . . . that if you accidentally rev up one phase while the other is still sluggish, you can create more health problems. Or, that there's actually a genetic predisposition that can give clues to your detox capacity, and that you...

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Episode 49: Thyroid Conversation

Dec 04, 2017

It comes up at least every week – some questions related to hypothyroid or the thyroid in general. But there is a lot of confusion around how to test it, and how it’s connected to other organs and systems in the body.

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Fatigue, hair loss and hair thinning, low cold tolerance, constipation, and stubborn fat loss are symptoms that can have you running to the doc and asking, “can you check my thyroid?”.

But all too often,...

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